All-on-Four implants are used by the Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants to more affordably facilitate the natural bonding process that occurs between your mandible and the titanium portion of your implants. Known as osseointegration, it is the rather quick process through which the mandible and titanium dental implants you receive form a bond stronger than natural teeth in the jaw.


However, Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery & Dental Implants proudly introduces a sweepingly affordable change to the world of dental implants as we know it! Call now for more information about our new All-on-Four implants.

All-on-Four Implants Versus Dental Implants

While dental implants can be scaled down to replacing a single tooth, attached to those implants are titanium screws that serve as the bonding mechanism between your mandible and new prosthetic teeth. All-on-Four dental implants offered by Santa Monica OMS are a bit different, but for good reason


These implants are referred to as All-on-Four implants for a reason. All of your new teeth work with exactly four titanium implants, instead of requiring an implant for each missing tooth. This new development in the field of dentistry drastically reduces the number of incisions made to the mandible and gum area for patients with a majority of their teeth missing


All-on-Four implants also reduce the cost of receiving implants significantly because much less surgeon-specific work is required. This makes our All-on-Four dental implants perfect for replacing the top and/or bottom rows of teeth in patients who can’t afford the cost of receiving 20 or 30 singular tooth implants

The benefits of All-on-Four dental implants include a much higher level of affordability, the ability to replace an entire row of teeth with one procedure, and the advantage of being minimally invasive for quicker recovery. Think about the savings All-on-Four Implants could bring you! When your new teeth are anchored in place for a fraction of what normal implants would cost, you’ll experience the benefits of All-on-Four dental implants for yourself.

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Contact Us Today!

Scheduling a procedure to receive All-on-Four implants or single-tooth dental implants is quick and easy to do. To see if you’re eligible for receiving All-on-Four implants or singular implants for each missing tooth you have, call our number or send us an email with your inquiries and concerns. Our team of experienced oral and dental surgeons would like to offer you a free, no-obligation consultation that will serve as your complete guide to the benefits of receiving Allon-Four implants

The benefits of All-on-Four implants can quickly be compared to the disadvantages of wearing traditional dentures. All-on-Four implants are stronger, less prone to breakage and more stable than your natural teeth while conventional dentures easily come loose and cause additional oral discomfort/slippage. Call now for more information!

Santa Monica Center For Oral Surgery And Dental Implants

2020 Santa Monica Blvd Suite 530

Santa Monica, CA 90404

(310) 315-1034

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