Common Misconceptions and Myths About Oral Surgery
Oral diseases affect over 3.5 billion people globally. Not only does oral disease cause pain and discomfort, but it can also become a major health burden. The myths and misconceptions surrounding oral surgery and oral health are among the main factors that lead to oral diseases.
Oral surgery doesn't just refer to your teeth; this type of surgery refers to any surgery that relates to your face, neck, jaw, or soft tissue of the mouth. Many people shy away from surgeries in these areas as their worries stem from their fear, not from facts.
Understanding how oral surgery works and how misinformation might have skewed your perception of the process is the first step in fixing your oral health.
So, keep reading to find out more about common oral surgery myths and misconceptions.
Anesthetics Aren’t Safe
When it comes to oral surgery, most people worry about the anesthetics and the safety of using them. The fact is surgical anesthetics are completely safe; the scariest part is the needle that enters your skin to administer them.
A trained professional will administer the anesthetics to ensure you receive the correct dose. You will also be monitored to make sure you don't wake up during surgery, so you have nothing to worry about.
Before anesthetics are even introduced to the medical field, they are extensively tested, so it is incredibly rare to experience side effects due to the anesthetic.
Oral Surgeries Are Painful
While it is hard to measure how painful a procedure is since everyone's pain tolerance is different, most oral surgeries are not classified as painful. Most of the time, patients work themselves up before the surgery and expect a painful surgery, only to feel underwhelmed by how easy it was.
Since you'll be under an anesthetic during the surgery and pain medication will be prescribed post-surgery, the chances of you feeling more than discomfort is very low. Usually, if you're experiencing pain after a few days, you'll need to give your surgeon a call, as you might need to go see them again.
Recovery Is Hard and Painful
Recovering from oral surgery isn't the same as recovering from heart surgery. Most patients assume that they'll need several days or even weeks to recover. But most oral surgery cases recover in just three days!
While you might not be 100% after three days, and there might be some pain, if you take your medication as prescribed and keep the surgical sites clean, then you'll be ready to go back to your normal life in no time.
A Dentist Can Do the Job of an Oral Surgeon
Depending on the surgery you need, a dentist just won't cut it. While it is true that dentists can perform smaller procedures like tooth removals, bigger procedures need to be done by an oral surgeon.
Oral surgeons will usually specialize in specific procedures, so you'll be able to find a surgeon who is an expert in your case. For instance, surgeries like All-On-Four dental implants can only be done by trained professionals, as it is a relatively new technique.
Your dentist will be able to refer you to an oral surgeon that is right for your case, depending on the procedure that you need to be done.
Oral Surgery Is Very Expensive
While the price will depend on the procedure, oral surgery costs less than most other surgeries. It is also possible that your insurance will fully or partially cover the surgery.
It is also cheaper to get the issue fixed as soon as possible. If you put the surgery off due to costs, your oral health will keep declining, and you'll end up with bigger problems that will need fixing later. So by not getting the surgery, you'll end up needing a more expensive surgery later on.
You Can Wait to Get It
Your dental health might not be at the top of your priority list, but putting off dental surgery can be detrimental. Your oral health is crucial to your overall well-being, and ignoring the problems won't make them go away.
If you keep putting your surgery off, you'll start to experience difficulty eating, increased pain, and further damage that will need to be addressed. The quicker you fix your oral health, the better.
You’re Too Old for Oral Surgery
There is no age limit when it comes to oral health. Once you lose your baby teeth, you only have one set to last you your whole life, so it is important to care for them, even in old age, which gets progressively longer as medicine advances.
You need to take care of your teeth even if you think you're too old. By leaving the issue to fester, you'll be in pain, and your quality of life won't be as good as it can be.
Oral Surgery Myths and Misconceptions Debunked
The idea of oral surgery can be scary if you don't know exactly what to expect. Luckily, this oral surgery guide can help you feel more secure. These common oral surgery myths and misconceptions can seem like a cause for concern, but you have nothing to worry about now that they've been debunked.
If you're in need of oral surgery, then schedule an appointment with the Santa Monica Center for Oral Surgery and Dental Implants today. We are committed to providing our patients, community, and fellow healthcare professionals with superior oral surgical care.